December 8, 2020
City Hall -- Council Chambers
5:30 PM Regular Meeting; 6 PM Public Hearings -- Conducted via speakerphone, live streamed at www.yakimawa.gov and telecast live on Y-PAC, Spectrum Cable Channel 194 or you may call in and listen by dialing 1-253-215-8782 or 1-971-247-1195. When prompted for the meeting ID enter 973 2476 8366#. When prompted for the participant ID enter #. When prompted for the meeting password enter 920909#. There will be no opportunity for oral communications with the exception of public hearings; however, if you wish to provide written comment to the City Council, please email ccouncil2@yakimawa.gov. Written comments received by 3 pm for this meeting will be provided to the City Council prior to the meeting.

1.Roll Call
2.Open Discussion for the Good of the Order
i.Homeless Persons Memorial Proclamation
B.Presentations / Recognitions / Introductions

Recognition of Bob Desgrosellier for 40 Years of Service with the City of Yakima

3.Council Reports
A.Consideration of an ad hoc committee with three councilmembers and staff to work on the process of events in the City of Yakima
B.Consideration of directing the City Manager to conduct an analysis of the Washington Fruit Community Center (WFCC) facility, identify community programming needs, and provide options on how to meet them with a report to the City Council at the January 19, 2021 City Council meeting
4.Consent Agenda
Items listed are considered routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion without discussion. A Council member may request to remove an item from the Consent Agenda and, if approved, it will be placed on the regular agenda for discussion and consideration.
A.Approval of minutes from the December 1, 2020 City Council regular meeting

Approve payment of disbursements for the period November 1 – 30, 2020

C.2019 Annual Report for the Yakima Fire Department
D.Project Completion and Contract Acceptance for Belsaas & Smith Construction, Inc. - Project 2458 Complete Streets Sidewalk
E.Resolution authorizing an indigent defense contract with Troy Lee and Associates
F.Resolution amending a Fire Services Agreement with Yakima County Fire District #11
G.Resolution awarding RFP 12028P and authorizing a contract with Transportation Demand Management, LLC for provision of Senior Tours Transportation Services 
H.Resolution authorizing the Yakima Downtown Development and Promotion Agreement with the Downtown Association of Yakima (DAY)

Ordinance amending the 2020 Budget for the City of Yakima; and making appropriations from Unappropriated Fund Balances within various Funds for expenditure during 2020 for various purposes (Second Reading)

PUBLIC HEARINGS-Anyone wishing to comment on a public hearing should: dial 1-253-215-8782 or 1-971-247-1195; when prompted for the webinar ID enter 973 2476 8366#; when prompted for the participant ID enter #; when prompted for the meeting password enter 920909#. If you wish to speak to the Council during the public hearing press *9 on your phone. When it is your turn to speak you will hear an automated announcement indicating your phone has been unmuted and you can now be heard by all participating in the meeting.
5.Closed record public hearing and Resolution to consider the Yakima Planning Commission's recommendation regarding the preliminary plat of Aspen Estates, submitted by Aspen Estates LLC, located in the vicinity of S 60th Ave and W Washington Ave
6.Public hearing on 6-month moratorium of Class 2 and Class 3 land use applications in the R-3 zoning district
7.Program recommendations for additional CDBG-CV funds
8.Resolution authorizing a Facilities Rental Agreement with The Seasons Performance Hall to host the City of Yakima Community Diversion Program through December 2021
9.Resolution authorizing an agreement with People for People to provide assessment and case management services for the City of Yakima Community Diversion Program through December 2021
10.Other Business
The next meeting will be a City Council regular meeting on January 5, 2021, at 5:30 p.m. at City Hall
12.Council General Information
Council General Information
B.Yakima River Basin Integrated Water Resource Management Plan November 2020 Quarterly Project Activity Update
Any invocation that may be offered before the official start of the Council meeting shall be the voluntary offering of a private citizen, to and for the benefit of the Council. The views or beliefs expressed by the invocation speaker have not been previously reviewed or approved by the Council, and the Council does not endorse the religious beliefs or views of this, or any other speaker.

A Council packet is available for review at the City Clerk's Office and on-line at www.yakimawa.gov. The City provides special accommodations, such as hearing devices, wheelchair space or language interpreters, for City meetings. Anyone needing special assistance please contact the City Clerk's office at (509) 575-6037 at least two business days prior to the meeting. All meetings are live streamed on the City of Yakima website at www.yakimawa.gov and telecast live on Y-PAC, Spectrum Cable Channel 194.