Charter Civil Service:
New classification: 1276 Economic Development Services Manager; Charter Civil Service; non-union; Pay Grade 968 ($48.22-$58.60)
New classification 11275 Economic Development Services Supervisor; Charter Civil Service; non-union; Pay Grade 973 ($39.62-$48.22)
New classification 10115 HR Services Administrator; Charter Civil Service; Teamsters; Pay Grade 975SA ($36.66-$44.57)
Pay allocation change for AFSME classification 6215 Community Services Officer from Pay Grade 14.0 ($21.76-$26.14) to Pay Grade 15.0 ($22.85-$27.38) effective 1/1/23.
Title change: 7181 Economic Development Assistant to Economic Development Services Assistant
Title change: 10305 Financial Services Technician-Payroll to Financial Services Technician.
Fire Civil Service
Remove 4520 Electronic Tech I from Master Pay Ordinance.
Clerical correction: 4521 Electronic Tech from Charter Civil Service to Fire Civil Service and correct pay range for Electronic Tech Pay Grade 549 ($29.47-$37.62) and show additional contract years.
Title change: 6343 from Public Education Captain to Fire Captain (Community Risk Reduction)
Pay allocation change for 1110 City Manager classification from 960CM to Pay Grade 960 ($90,83-$110.41) per previous City Council action.
Pay allocation changes due to minimum wage increase from $14.49 to $15.74 effective 1/1/2023. Previously approved contract increases have been updated accordingly.
Change Pay Grades for 3.0 through 6.5, 625 (not shown on ordinance), 630, and 645 to $15.74 - $18.77 affecting the following classifications:
5268 Lifeguard/Instructor
8610 Labor Helper
8511 Custodian
7121 Department Assistant I
5234 Recreation Leader
7122 Department Assistant II
8820 Parks Maintenance Caretaker
23102 Transit Vehicle Cleaner
22103 Transit Vehicle Driver
24101 Transit Department Assistant II
Change Pay Code 914 from $14.49 to $15.74 affecting the following classifications:
5201 – Golf Course Assistant
5203 – Parks Ballfield Maintenance Worker
5204 – Parks Concession Stand Worker
5205 – Parks Facility Program Attendant
5207 – Parks Youth Program Assistant
5210 – Community Center Attendant
5260 – Aquatics Concessions/Cashier
8824 – Parks Maintenance Laborer
9114 – City Worker (Outside)
9125 – City Worker (Inside)
Pay Code 915 which is set at 5% above minimum wage to be increased from $15.21 to $16.53 effective 1/1/23 affecting the following classifications:
5206 – Parks Youth Program Leader
8640 – Solid Waste Laborer
Pay Grade 7.0 which is set 5% above minimum wage to be increased from $16.02 to $16.53.
5267 – Aquatic Leader
Pay range increases in accordance with International Association of Firefighters, AFL-CIO Local 469 2022-2025 bargaining agreement for Firefighters, AFL-CIO reflecting 4.5% effective 1/1/2022; 4.5% effective 1/1/2023; 4.25% effective 1/1/2024; 4.25% effective 1/1/2025.
Non-represented positions and positions represented by Teamsters Local #760 (Public Works Division Managers Unit and Supervisors/Administrative Unit) Pay and Compensation Adjustment (PACA) of .12% effective 1/1/22 and 3.65% effective 1/1/23.