Genesis Housing Services, a division of Catholic Charities Housing Services has requested HOME funds from the City of Yakima to assist with construction of a 16-unit multifamily farmworker housing project know as Yakima Opportunity Housing II (YOH II), located at 611 N 16th Ave. This project will assist 16 low income families at or below 50% Area Median Income.
The project, known as the “Yakima Opportunity Housing II” is estimated to be over 6 Million dollars in project development costs. Funding is from a partnership including USDA RD ($5,000,000), Federal Home Loan Bank of Des Moines ($800,000) and City of Yakima Commerce CHIP Grant ($187,847).
As the annual recipient of HOME Investments funds from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) the City of Yakima must invest these funds for Affordable Housing within its jurisdiction. The City of Yakima, in granting available HOME funds allows for continued decent, safe, and affordable housing within the City of Yakima that serves low to moderate income citizens.
Projects that receive funding from the City of Yakima HOME program must be consistent with the City Consolidated Plan, which guides HOME funding, as well as the City Comprehensive Plan. Funding through the HOME program requires the applicant to have a HUD compliant Management Plan and ensure the housing units meet affordability requirements for a minimum of 20 years. |