Item Coversheet


Item No. 9.
For Meeting of: JuneĀ 7, 2022


Public hearing to consider:  A) Resolution adopting the Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program for the period of 2023 through 2028, and to amend the Transportation Systems Plan 2040; and B) Resolution amending the Yakima Urban Area Comprehensive Plan Capital Facilities Element


Scott Schafer, Public Works Director

Bill Preston, City Engineer (509) 575-6754


A)  Each year the City of Yakima (City) is required by state statute to update its Six-year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) for submittal to the Washington State Department of Transportation.  This plan must include all transportation projects for which state gas tax revenue or federal revenue will be used. 


The current plan for 2023 – 2028 contains a list of nine (9) funded projects that have yet to be constructed.  The nine projects include:

1.    North 1st Street Revitalization – Phase 3

2.    Bravo Company Boulevard – Phase 1

3.    Cowiche Canyon Trail - Phase 1

4.    72nd Avenue and W. Washington Avenue Improvements

5.    34th Avenue & Fruitvale Boulevard, and 34th Avenue and River Road


6.    Robertson Elementary School Safety Improvements

7.    Summitview Avenue Resurfacing

8.    Pacific Avenue Sidewalk

9.    E Nob Hill Blvd & Fair Ave I/S Improvements


Attached is the complete 2023 – 2028 Six-Year TIP, which describes each project. The City will continue to seek funding for the remainder of the projects included in the 2023-2028 TIP.


City Council and the public are welcome to add other arterial system projects to the TIP.  The Six-Year TIP project listing will be finalized at this hearing and sent to the Yakima Valley Conference of Governments (YVCOG) after approval.

In order to utilize federal funds, such as those administered by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Federal Transit Authority (FTA), projects must be included in the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP).  The STIP is a prioritized program of transportation projects, compiled from local and regional plans, along with the Washington Transportation System Plan (WTP), which provides a backbone for developing projects for the inter-modal transportation network in the State of Washington.


The STIP contains federally funded projects plus state and local projects that are regionally significant.  These projects have been identified through the planning process as the highest priority for the available funding to the state’s Transportation Program.  Planning activities of state and local governments are essential parts of integrated regional planning processes.  Long range transportation planning is a part of the comprehensive land use planning carried out by local governments.  Public participation is an integral part of the planning process at all levels.  Local agencies are required to develop and adopt a Six-year Transportation Program; holding at least one public hearing during its development.


B)  The City is required to amend the Yakima Urban Area Comprehensive Plan Capital Facilities Element by incorporating the adopted Six-Year TIP for 2023 to 2028.  This will ensure that we are in compliance with the Growth Management Act and that we are consistent with the Comprehensive Plan as required.  The amendment is limited to incorporating only those projects that are adopted in the Six-Year TIP and is not subject to the “once a year” change required under the laws of the Growth Management Act.


The Public Hearing notice has been provided to all Yakima-area media, including tu Decides’, KDNA Radio, El Sol de Yakima, Hispanavision, Bustos Media, and El Mundo.

STRATEGIC PRIORITY:Public Trust and Accountability
Adopt Resolutions
DescriptionUpload DateType
Resolution a5/3/2022Resolution
Resolution b5/3/2022Resolution
Draft 6 year trans impr program5/17/2022Backup Material