Item Coversheet


Item No. 8.
For Meeting of: AprilĀ 6, 2021

ITEM TITLE:Yakima Planning Commission Recommendation on R-3 Zone Moratorium

Joseph Calhoun, Planning Manager

Joan Davenport, AICP, Community Development Director


On November 17, 2020, the Yakima City Council adopted a six-month moratorium on the establishment of or conversion from any use, or part of a use or R-3 development to a Class 2 or 3 use in the R-3 zone. As an amendment to the City Zoning Ordinance (YMC 15), this item was referred to the Planning Commission for review, public involvement and a recommendation. The Planning Commission held a study session on January 13, 2021 and a public hearing on March 24, 2021.


After hearing testimony from the public, considering the moratorium the Planning Commission discussed the purpose of the R-3 zone, locations of R-3 in the city limits, existing permitted Class 2 and 3 uses, and a review of recently submitted Type 2 and 3 projects. A motion to delete Residential Mini-storage Units projects from the R-3 zoning district was made and seconded. The motion failed 2-3. A motion to retain the existing uses in the R-3 zone was made and seconded. The motion passed 3-2.


If the City Council does not accept the recommendation of the Planning Commission, they may set a date to hold their own public hearing, adopt Findings and direct an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance. The soonest the Council could set a hearing is the next Council meeting on April 20, 2021.


The specific assignment to the Planning Commission from City Council on November 17, 2020 in the Moratorium Ordinance is included below. 


Directive to Planning Commission: The City Council hereby authorizes and directs the Planning Commission to review existing City codes and zoning regulations; to further study the effects resulting from Class 2 and Class 3 uses in the R-3 zone as outlined in Table 4-1 in YMC 15.04.030, as well as evaluate the housing; to prepare comprehensive proposed amendments to the City codes and zoning regulations to address the effects of such uses; to confer with community members and the City Planning Commission as appropriate; and to present recommended legislation addressing such issues to the City Council for consideration and action.  Said recommendation should be presented to the City Council no later than April 7, 2021.  If no recommendation can be made by that time, a status report shall be provided to Council on April 7, 2021, outlining the reasons that a recommendation cannot be made, additional studies that need to be evaluated or conducted, and the additional work that is necessary to formulate a recommendation.

STRATEGIC PRIORITY:Neighborhood and Community Building
YPC recommended to retain the allowed Class 2 and Class 3 uses in the R-3 zone as currently codified in YMC Ch. 15.04, Table 4-1.
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YPC Recommendation_R3Moratorium3/25/2021Backup Material
Background Information3/25/2021Backup Material