In April 2015, the Yakima City Council established that development of the Yakima Sports Complex was an economic development priority for the City of Yakima. The City of Yakima (City) entered into agreements with SOZO, a Washington non-profit corporation, for a public-private partnership to create multiple soccer fields, parking lots and related improvements.
It was recognized that improvements to the existing public streets in the vicinity of the proposed Yakima Sports Complex would improve public safety, facilitate access to the development and improve the neighborhood. Construction of Phase 1 was completed in 2019 and Phase 2 is currently under construction. The City is obligated to establish a wetland mitigation site adjacent to Billy’s Pond within the Wastewater Treatment Plant Property as mitigation for Phase 2 of the Spring Creek Road Improvements. This contract is for the dirt work associated with the wetland mitigation.
The City of Yakima used the procedure established by Washington State law for the bidding and awarding of public capital improvement projects. Thayer Excavating LLC was the only contractor to submit a bid. Work includes excavation including hauling, crushing surface top course, topsoil type A and other work to prepare the area for future plantings.
Attached for City Council review is the contract with Thayer Excavating LLC in an amount not to exceed $496,597. The project is to be funded out of Arterial Streets Capital Fund 142. |