City Project No. 2390 was established for the N. 1st St. Revitalization Phase 2 Project. Bids were opened on February 10th; the low bidder of three competitive bids was Total Site Services, LLC of Richland, WA, with the low bid of $2,585,734.08. Their bid was $661,208.13 under the engineer’s estimate.
The project will reconstruct N. 1st Street between "J" Street and "N" Street including a complete rebuild of the roadway (replacing the old concrete highway through town), 2,400 SY sidewalk, 3,500 LF curb and gutter, storm drainage improvements, improved street lighting, addition of pedestrian lighting, landscaping, irrigation, and related improvements, tying to the end of the Phase 1 project which was completed in 2019.
Funding sources include Stormwater Capital, budgeted for $354,166 and Water Capital, for the replacement of two water mains with one upsized watermain, budgeted for $347,500. The remaining $1.884M will be funded with Transportation Benefit District (TBD) funds.
The project will begin in late March and will be completed in October 2021. |