Finance staff has audited all petty cash funds located in all city departments and engaged in discussion with custodians and managers to re-evaluate levels to be maintained. The following changes are requested and recommended for current change funds and petty cash needs:
- Finance's Utility Services Division (the front counter at City Hall) has an increase in the change funds from $70 each to $100 each, for a total of 6 cash drawers to assist in operational efficiency, increasing from a total of $420 to $600.
- Tahoma Cemetery has a cash drawer of $100 being added to the resolution. Debit/credit card payments can be made onsite; however, cash payments could only be made at Public Works which is not convenient to customers.
- Airport, City Clerk, Fire, Legal, Neighborhood Development, Police EHM, and Parks – Special Events have all extinguished their funds (deposited in bank) due to no longer being required.
- Police Special Investigations was reduced by $5,000.
The attached resolution lists all of the change/petty cash funds in the City. The amounts include the modifications noted above. |