The City of Yakima is seeking approval to enter into an agreement with Yakima County for funding from the Supporting Investments in Economic Development (SIED) program for the Bravo Company Boulevard Municipal Solid Waste & Wood Debris Removal project. The SEID Board has awarded the City a SEID grant in the amount of $1,500,000. Total project cost is estimated to be approximately $13.1 million.
The Yakima City Council has determined that the redevelopment of the former Cascade Mill Site is an Economic Development priority for the City of Yakima. The project includes removal of wood debris and solid municipal waste from within City owned right-of-way in the vicinity of the old Cascade Mill Site. This will allow future utilities to be installed and the eventual construction of Bravo Company Boulevard. The project is funded with Department of Ecology Grant ($8.9 million), Utilities Capital funding ($1.7 million), LIFT ($1 million), and the $1.5 million SIED grant.
The Agreement with Yakima County has been attached for City Council review. |