Attached is a Resolution authorizing the annual write-off of uncollectable parking accounts.
Following city staff collection efforts and collection notices, accounts were sent to a collection agency; these are what remain unpaid after six years. A total of 7 citations totaling $217.53 (including penalties), are included for write-off with this resolution. Delinquent accounts for which collection efforts have been terminated are analyzed each year to determine eligibility for write-off. Accounts meeting the criteria listed below are included on the proposed write-off list which is attached:
The Statute of Limitations (six (6) years or older) has been met; $217.53
Bankruptcy (discharge of debt); None.
Following City Council approval by the attached Resolution, these accounts will be removed from the City’s accounts receivable records. The new parking citation system employs a program administered by the Washington State Department of Licensing (DOL) whereby the City submits unpaid citation information to the state. If a person has received at least 2 citations within 120 days of renewal of their vehicle registration, they are required to pay their fines to the reporting jurisdiction before they can register their vehicle. This reporting system is widely used by other cities and has had a positive impact on the collectability of citations issued under the City’s new parking citation system. |