The Yakima School District approached the City regarding safety concerns at Hoover Elementary. The existing two-way vehicular traffic on S. 4th Avenue and S. 6th Avenue, along with large numbers of student drop-off and pick-up from both sides of the streets, allows a high number of students to cross the streets and potentially place them in an unsafe situation against vehicular traffic.
The City's proposal was to make S. 4th Avenue and S. 6th Avenue both one-way streets adjacent to the school to promote student pick-ups and drop-offs from the school-side of the street; greatly reducing the need to cross the streets and limit student exposure to moving vehicles.
A public meeting was held at Hoover Elementary School on November 14, 2019. The meeting was led by City staff with the assistance of Hoover’s Assistant Principal, Alejandra Rodriguez. Information on the Complete Streets project was presented, which would construct new concrete sidewalks and ADA ramps near Hoover Elementary on Viola Avenue, along with the proposal to make S. 4th Avenue and S. 6th Avenue each a one-way street in the immediate vicinity of Hoover Elementary School. The week prior to the meeting a Public Service Announcement went out to the community. We also distributed over 510 flyers to all Hoover students, their families, teachers, and Hoover’s Administrators. We also circulated 140 flyers door-to-door to all homes in the immediate vicinity of the one-way street’s proposal.
After presenting information at the public meeting about the Complete Streets Project and information about the one-way street proposal, staff also listened to responses from those families and residents present. After discussing their comments, we determined that the majority of those present were in favor of the changes to one-way streets in the vicinity of Hoover Elementary. A map and informational flyer are attached. |