This is a Resolution authorizing a 3-year (2020-2022) contract with HLA Engineering and Land Surveying, Inc. for stormwater system design and engineering services. The contract contains all the requirements and obligations that must be met for subsequent Task Orders. The Stormwater Division will submit Task Orders for City Council approval for each project that requires design and engineering services. The projects are identified from the Stormwater Division’s Icom Infrastructure Asset Management Program or the current Stormwater Master Plan.
The terms of the agreement would be in an amount not to exceed One Million Dollars ($1,000,000). The 3-year agreement with EXHIBIT A – Scope of Services and EXHIBIT B – Schedule of Rates is attached.
The City used the Municipal Research and Services Center (MRSC) of Washington Roster, a statewide small works and consultants roster system, followed by a competitive selection process, in selecting HLA Engineering and Land Surveying, Inc. to provide the engineering services.
The first Task Order 2020-01 is for engineering, design, plan and bid preparation and services during construction for the construction of 2,200 linear feet of new storm drain collection pipe in Arlington Avenue from South 50th Avenue to South 56th Avenue. The new pipe will provide stormwater conveyance that will alleviate re-occurring flooding on Arlington Avenue caused by storm events. The terms of Task Order 2020-01 would be in an amount not to exceed Ninety-Seven Thousand Three Hundred Dollars ($97,300). Task Order 2020-01 with EXHIBIT 1 – Professional Services is attached for review.
Funds are budgeted from Stormwater Capital Fund 442.