In June of 2015, the Cowiche Canyon Trail project was selected as one of the Tier 2 Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Projects of the Connecting Washington funding program; awarding the City of Yakima (City) with a $2,000,000 Connect Washington grant. The project is to further extend the Cowiche Canyon Trail by constructing approximately two miles of new pathway with bike/pedestrian bridges. In 2017, the City used the MRSC Roster process to select Perteet, Inc. to develop the project and design the plans.
Since the original agreement with Perteet, Inc., City staff with the assistance of Perteet, have met several times with property and homeowners along the proposed pathway in trying to arrive at an agreeable pathway alignment. Based on the latest desire of the property owners, the pathway has undergone a significant change in alignment. This has resulted in additional tasks including: surveying, calculating right-of-way needs, mapping, etc., along with an extension of the project management timeframe to complete preliminary engineering and design. The William O’ Douglas Trail, Cowiche Canyon Conservancy, and the Yakima Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committee have been kept apprised to these significant changes. In order to proceed with the project, an addendum is required to the original agreement with Perteet, Inc.
The terms of the Addendum to the Agreement (Amendment No. 2) with Perteet shall be in an amount not to exceed $98,351 and has been attached for City Council review. The additional expenditure of $98,351 to realign the pathway will be funded out of the $2,000,000 Connect Washington grant. |