At its January 8th regular meeting, the Council heard a presentation from a representative of GoRail, a national rail advocacy organization, and discussed a request from GoRail for the Council to send a letter to certain members of Congress expressing concern over regulations being considered by the federal Surface Transportation Board (STB).
Following its discussion at its January 8th regular meeting, the Council voted to postpone action on the GoRail request until the Council's January 15th regular meeting. The Council directed City staff to review a draft letter provided by GoRail and make any recommended revisions to the letter. A revised letter is included in the Council's January 15th regular meeting agenda packet.
City staff and City lobbyists have contacted the offices of Senator Patty Murray, Senator Maria Cantwell, and Representative Dan Newhouse regarding what, if any, position Senator Murray, Senator Cantwell, and Representative Newhouse have taken on the proposed STB regulations. City staff will report whatever information is received from those three elected officials at the January 15th Council regular meeting. |