This is Addendum 5 to our current contract with Golder Associates for the design and permitting of the City of Yakima’s Water Treatment Plant Intake Improvements project. During recent flooding and long duration high water events, the Naches River has migrated towards the southeast river bank. The City’s Water Treatment Plant intake is located on the northwest river bank. This project redirects the river flow back towards the northwest bank and the Water Treatment Plant intake to ensure adequate water is readily available for treatment to meet the domestic, commercial, industrial, irrigation and fire suppression needs of the City of Yakima.
During the permitting process, the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) requested some design changes and re-submission of permit documents. This requirement will result in additional work by Golder Associates.
The City secured a Department of Ecology (Ecology) Watershed grant that was to cover some of the design cost, with most of the funding obligated for actual construction. Because of the USACE additional requirements, Ecology has agreed to modify the grant in order to shift more funds towards the design and permitting of the project. However, this will reduce the amount of funding available for construction. Funds not ultimately spent on design or permitting, may be redirected back to construction. Additional funds if needed for construction will be from the Water Improvement Fund. Addendum 5 is not to exceed $114,712.00 and has been attached for City Council review. |