In June 2015, the City of Yakima (City) received a Safe Routes to School Grant for Garfield Elementary School in the amount of $180,000 for the construction of curb, gutter and sidewalk, ADA-compliant curb ramps and a stormwater treatment system.
This project will significantly improve pedestrian safety within the vicinity of Garfield Elementary School by installing sidewalk and sidewalk ramps along the east side of Campbell Lane from Jerome Avenue to Willow Street and installing curb, gutter, sidewalk, sidewalk ramps and a stormwater treatment system on the west side of 6th Avenue from Jerome Avenue to Willow Street.
City staff used the State bidding process to advertise for bids. Three contractors submitted bids, with Nelson Construction Corporation submitting the lowest bid of $206,758. The Contract is attached for City Council review. Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Funds will be utilized as the additional funding needed to complete the Garfield Elementary School Improvements Project. |