Item Coversheet


Item No. 13.
For Meeting of: December 4, 2018

ITEM TITLE:Clean City Program (CCP) - Revised Program Design
SUBMITTED BY:Ana Cortez, Assistant City Manager

During the 2019 Budget study sessions, staff introduced the Clean City Program (CCP) which reflects a comprehensive approach to address blight, illegal dumping and excessive refuse in problem areas throughout the City.  The original nine-component CCP design recognized the importance of a broad, multi-layer strategy and included a new fee on refuse accounts. The nine components are included in attachment 1 and include:


1.       Fair Housing FTE

2.       Refuse Code Enforcement FTE

3.       Maintenance worker FTE

4.       Volunteer coordination and blight FTE

5.       Disposal fees and supplies

6.       Overtime for YPD, YFD and Public Works

7.       Contracts with community organizations for clean ups

8.       Equipment rental

9.       Dangerous Building Fund


Staff recommends implementation of the original CCP design in phases; this approach is recommended to ensure that legal concerns and questions regarding how to appropriately fund CCP are answered.  We recommend 3 phases: (attachment 2)

·         Phase I- Strategic Deployment (FY 2019)

·         Phase II- Capacity Building (FY 2019)

·         Phase III- Community Building/Sustainability (FY 2020)

Phase I includes deployment of two positions already funded through the General Fund to assist the Refuse Division with limited blight prevention activities.  This phase includes elements 1 and 4 from the original CCP design and carry a cost of $117,367.This phase would commence at the beginning of the fiscal year in January.  The use of General Fund dollars eliminates the need for a rate increase or new fee in 2019. The Refuse Manager will coordinate efforts and supervise positions.

Phase II includes ramping up to four positions under CCP to provide staff capacity to respond to illegal dumping, blight, graffiti and other quality of life issues in target areas in the City.  Council has the option of allocating $176,072 from the General Fund to cover this phase in 2019 once the City has determined that the 2018 Fund Balance is healthy enough to cover these costs.    This phase includes items 2, 3 and 5.  This option allows Council to protect the projected 2019 contribution to Reserves.  As previously presented, the 2019 Budget included a $335,457 contribution to Reserves. 

Phase III includes broadening ownership of community clean up through partnership with non profits, community based organizations, schools and neighborhood groups.  This phase complements, not supplants, activities in Phase I and II.  Council has the option of allocating $334,000 in fiscal year 2020. The source of funding may include a new rate increase, more general fund contributions or a mix of these two sources.  Staff will use 2019 to further investigate the most appropriate funding mechanism.  This phase includes elements 6 through 9 from the original CCP design.

Staff recognizes the importance of careful analysis of new strategies; furthermore, staff appreciates the wisdom of community stakeholders that provide practical perspectives to new efforts.  The gradual build-up of this program through two years is a sound and more careful approach, and implementation of all nine components within 24 months is realistic.

STRATEGIC PRIORITY:Neighborhood and Community Building

Staff recommends that Council consider the revised CCP program design. 

DescriptionUpload DateType
1. Original CCP Design11/30/2018Cover Memo
2. Revised CCP Design11/30/2018Cover Memo